The Good Life

  A Testimony of Greatness “When I recollect the treasure of friendship that has been bestowed upon me, I withdraw all charges against life. If much has been denied me, much, very much has been given me. So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in...

The Splendor of Releasing and Revealing

In the book I’m working on I have a chapter on the subject of The Spiritual Scale to Lamb-Lion Splendor. I discuss the two high points of these two great words – Lamb and Lion – and what they should mean for us in our daily Christian walk. In the Gospel of John...

When You Think It Can’t Get Much Worse

I have lost count of those days in my life when I thought that things couldn’t get much worse. The issues we can blame such emotional trauma on are legend. We all have our lists of those special agonies that trigger our deepest fears. Even though I consider myself a...

Our Hunger for Quick Relief

One of my goals in writing is to bring immediate help to every hungry Disciple who knows they want more and need more of Jesus, fast! It is to those who have the spirit and urgency of David that I write. Listen to his words: “Hasten to save me Lord, come quickly to...